As we shift into a change of season, our marketing will shift to messaging to drive winter visitation, starting October 30th,

The target market: broadly, residents of the Pacific Northwest – BC, Alberta and Washington State

The dates: October 30th through December 3rd, then re-starting in January 2024.

The messaging:

This approach emphasizes the sense of delight and surprise that come with returning to a place you love, and re-discovering it in a whole new way. Imagery focuses on experiences that offer something a little different in winter – a different take on what you might experience in other seasons.

Through the campaign, the format and wording of the ads progress through the three phases of travel decision-making: dream, plan, and book. As of the writing of this blog post, some of the artwork is in final production.

These are examples of some of the ads.

Dream Phase – this is where we use video to inspire the idea of visiting Tofino.

This video ad will run on Instagram and Facebook, targeting BC, Alberta and Washington.
Click or tap on this image to watch the video


This 15-second video is a “pre-roll” that appears before viewing programming on Smart TV.
Click or tap on this image to watch the video

Native ads are designed to match the look and feel of the piece of media in which they appear. These target adults age 30+, residing in BC, Alberta and Washington, whose online behaviour has shown an interest in travel and an affinity for water activities like surfing, kayaking and whale watching, plus local food. These are two of the four of the native ads we are running:

Two (video) ads will also be running on TikTok , targeting adults ages 25+ with an affinity for the outdoors – artwork is currently being finalized.

NEW for this winter campaign – we will be utilizing the three slots we now have year-round on the digital billboard by the Sna-Naw-as Shell Station, heading north from Nanaimo.

All digital ads will link to a winter landing page which highlights the season and all there is to do here. This page will go live on October 30.

If you have any questions about seasonal marketing, don’t hesitate to contact me