As the summer ramps up, we have extended the Visitor Centre hours to 8:30am-6pm daily.

You will also find us with Chestervan in the District of Tofino parking lot,  Thursdays-Sundays, 10:30am-3pm.

Be sure to join us for a beach clean Wednesdays, all summer long: Washed up Wednesdays Beach Cleans

With increased bike traffic from the ʔapsčiik t̓ašii (pronounced ups-cheek ta-shee) we have installed a bike pump and repair station for public use. The repair station includes all the tools necessary to perform basic bike repairs and maintenance, from changing a flat to adjusting brakes and derailleurs.

We are also excited to announce that the District of Tofino has installed a level two, Charge Point electric vehicle charging station at the Tofino Visitor Centre. There are two charging ports and usage is free. Find a list of EV charging stations in Tofino here. Note that some chargers are for use by in-house accommodation guests only.

Please continue to send your guests to the Visitor Center & Chestervan for activity bookings, restaurant reservations, maps, ferry bookings, road closure updates, Pacific Rim National Park Reserve passes (visitor centre only) and general inquiries.

Call 1.888.720.3414