Hello members,

In a year where so much is new, we’re expanding our messaging about the appeal of a winter getaway to Tofino, as much more than storm watching.

Adding to storm watching as a main driver are qualities of a season of calm and reflection, framed by nature’s extremes – and far from the typical idea of a Canadian winter.   Destination attributes we’re focusing on include:

  • Natural, raw beauty
  • Mild, green winters, vs. cold and white
  • Open, uncrowded spaces
  • Outdoor activities, and
  • Supported amenities, like a range of accommodation styles, restaurant/take-out options, spas, galleries and retail.

Paid posts on Facebook and Instagram are running October 19th to December 6th, and will resume in January 2021.

We are targeting an audience not by age or gender, but rather by interests, affinities, and values:  the BC traveller we are targeting looks for connection in their travels, appreciates the power of outdoor elements, respects where they travel and is considerate.

This post displays two examples of the messaging: