The boardwalk accessing the hot springs will be closed for repairs on February 12th and 13th. There will also be intermittent closures to the washroom facilities and picnic shelter. A second work period will be scheduled for mid-March with exact dates and details still pending.
Here is the background info received from BC Parks:
In 2018, BC Parks initiated a multi-year project to replace and repair the failing boardwalk infrastructure used to access the hot springs at Maquinna Marine Provincial Park. In order to reduce impacts to visitors and tour operators, the boardwalk replacement work is scheduled over a three year period, to be completed in phases to avoid closing the park for extended periods of time.
Phase 1 was successfully completed in January 2019. Phase 2 of the project was scheduled to start the winter of 2019/20 but is being deferred for one year. In order to ensure infrastructure is safe for the visiting public, small sections of the boardwalk have been identified as priority and will be addressed but the major replacement work is on hold.
In addition to this two-day closure in February, there will be short term intermittent closures to the washroom facilities and picnic shelter located at the dock. Work will cease on Friday to prevent any inconvenience to visitors for the long weekend. A second work period will be scheduled for mid-March and details will be shared once plans are finalized.
Tour operators holding valid Park Use Permits for Maquinna Marine Provincial Park have been notified.